LAMBS Educare
Our Early Childhood Development centre, L.A.M.B.S. was started in 1994, with just over 100 children in our centre. The ages ranged from as young as 18 months right up to 5yrs old.
Client Base
Our children are not only form The Ark itself, but from our surrounding areas as well, such as Mfuleni, Khayelitsha and other private residents without charging a cent.
Children’s History
A lot of the children we deal with have been sexually, physically and emotionally abused and have experienced and seen things that no child of any age should see or be expected to endure. The Word of god is our foundation and our cornerstone; it is the reason for our being. We do what we do voluntarily and that we have a love for these children that only comes from knowing God. It is truly horrific either to hear or see stories of child abuse, child rape on the news. We deal with the aftermath, it is a reality and I thank God that by his guidance and wisdom and most of all His grace, we can make a difference in their little lives. We are not better than everybody else because of what we do; we were chosen and ask God to heal these children through our guidance that His glory may be seen.
Would you like to start a partnership with us?
If you would like to donate some other way or offer gifts in-kind, please contact us.